dermal anchor
- does not work in every place (we don't put it on the hands, close to the eyes, between the breasts if a sleeping crease forms here), we recommend having an alternative piercing when booking (here sometimes a decision can be made based on a picture)
- must be placed where there is little movement and no wrinkles form
- is a temporary piercing (3-5 years)
- tends to outgrow
- usually leaves flat scars (exception, in the case of severe irritation)
- wear a patch in the initial phase
- are not placed in places where you would want to wear a necklace or bracelet
- Attachments can be changed after complete healing, first change after complete healing
- healing time: (according to care instructions)
- first use: isosceles dermal anchor base with attachment of your choice (not smaller than 4mm)
- Make-up should not be applied to the piercing area
- Irritated phases to be expected even after healing
- We do not pierce dermal anchors on minors
Healing time: 3-4 months